The Ohio Northern University PRSSA Chapter has been a recipient of the prestigious Star Chapter Award every year since the inception of the award in 2009. The Star Chapter Award recognizes chapters of any size for meeting specific chapter and professional development goals.
The requirements are outlined on the PRSSA website and include 8 of the 10 listed:
- Initiate and complete at least one community service project.
- Strengthen your relationship with your PRSA sponsor Chapter.
- Give attention to ethics in at least one Chapter meeting.
- Confirm that at least one Chapter member applies for an individual National PRSSA scholarship or award.
- Confirm that your Chapter applied for at least one national PRSSA award.
- Conduct a high school outreach session and/or promote Affiliate membership to a nearby community college.
- Confirm attendance by at least one Chapter member at National Conference, National Assembly, a Regional Conference or Leadership Rally.
- Gain positive attention for your Chapter in at least one campus or community publication or community publication or other media.
- Extend an invitation to students/faculty from other disciplines to attend at least one Chapter meeting.
- Confirm that at least 10 percent of your graduating seniors applied for PRSA Associate Membership. Chapters with fewer than 10 senior members need to confirm one application.